Habitat agenda : goals and principles, commitment and global plan of action - Washington, D.C United nation conference on human settlements 1996 - 101p. 15*10 cm

United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II)." "Istanbul, Turkey, 3-14 June 1996

1. Goals and principles
II. Commitments
A. Adequate Shelter for All
B. Sustainable human settlements
C. Enablement and participation
D. Gender equality
E. Financing shelter and human settlements
F. International cooperation
G. Assessing progress
IV. Global plan of action: Strategies for implementation
A. Introduction
B. Adequate Shelter for All
C. Sustainable human settlements development in an urbanizing world
D. Capacity building and institutional development
E. International cooperation and coordination
F. Implementation and follow-up of the Habitat Agenda

Human settlements - Developing countries

307.1 / UNI