Hailey, John.

Rising to the challenges : assessing the impacts of organisational capacity building praxis paper no.2 - The International NGO training and research centre 2005 - 29p.

This praxis paper offers a brief overview of current thinking and practice in relation to the impact assessment of organisational capacity building interventions.

1. Training Agenda
2. Participant List
3. Introduction to Financial Sustainability
4. The Financial Sustainability Framework
5. Tool Indicator1: The future of Financial Sustainability
6. Tool Indicator 2: Highlights India Funding Landscape 2015
7. Tool Indicator 3: Ethnic Screening : A Conversation
8. Tool Indicator 4: Revenue Mapping: Past, Present and Future
9. Tool Indicator 5a: Mobilzing Resources from individuals
10. Tool Indicator 5b: From Scarcity to abundance
11. Tool Indicator 6a: Donor Prospecting
12. Tool Indicator 6b: Budget Scenario Recovery Map
13. Tool Indicator 7: Strategic Budgeting
14. Tool Indicator 8 & 9: Financial Health Indicator, dashboard and building a reserve
15. Tool Indicator 10: The Unforgettable Case
16. Tool Indicator 11a: Personal relationship to money
17. Tool Indicator 11b: It's (Not) About the money
18. Tool Indicator 12a: Resource Mobilization Functions and Tasks
19. Tool Indicator 12b: Document Management
20. Tool Indicator 13 &14: Modules for Staff and Board Capacity Development Workshops
21. Tool Indicator 15: Financial Sustainability Action Plan Template
22. Outline for peer reveiw meeting
23. Evaluation Form

Organisational capacity building
Impact assessment
Monitoring and evaluation
Organisational learning

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