Roy. Anil Kumar.

Ports City planning and management: Environmental and Social Concerns in India and Canada - Germany LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing 2010 - 150p.

1. Statement of the Problem
2. Rationale of the study
3. Literature Review
4. Objectives of the Study
5. Research Questions
6. Methodology
7 Sources of Data
8. Organization of the Study
9. The scope and limitation of the study
Port City planning & Harbour Environment: A review of Conceptual Issues
1. Introduction
2. The urban environment
3. Harbour environment and threats form Anthropogenic activities
4. Perspectives on Marine Pollution
5. Anthropogenic activities and their impacts
6. The urban harbour system and port city characteristics
7. Planning and management of Port Cities
8. Conclusions
Urban and pott activities in Kandla
1. Introduction
2. Historical background of Kandla Port
3. Demographic Trends
4. Urban Economy
5. Port Activities
6. Land Use
7. Conclusion
Kandla Port Environment
1. Introduction
2. Geo-physical characteristics of Kandla port
3. Water quality at the Kandla port region
4. Sediment quality at Kandla Creck
5. Conclusions
Urban and Port activities in Halifax
1. Introduction
2. Historical Backgorund of Halifax harbour
3. Demographic Trends
4. Urban Economic Activities
5. Port Activities
6. Receational and tourism activities
7. Other harbour use activities
8. land use patterns in Halifax regional municipality
Harbour Environment at Halifax
1. Introduction
2. Physical environment and anthropogenic characteristics
3. Inputs of Waste into Halifax Harbour environment
4. Contamination of Halifax Harbour environment
5. Conclusion
Coastal and Marine Protection: Implications for Port-City Planning and Management
1. Introduction
2. Marine Protection: Global Initiatives
3. Caostal Marine Protection in India
4. Coastal and marine protection in Canada
5. Components of Coastal and Marine Protection in India and Canada
6. Compannents of ICZM for port city development


Port City

387.1 / POR