Urban Environmental Management : The Indian Experience - India Human Settlement Management Institute (HUDCO) 1996 - 150p

1. Power to the people: the local government contexts time research foundation, Calcutta
2. Carrying capacity based regional planning National institute of Urban affairs, New Delhi
3. NGOs/Civic societies and Urban environmental advocacy Development associate, Lucknow
4. Integrated Law-cost sanitation: Indian experience Sulabh International Institute of technical research and training, New Delhi
5. City-wide "Best practices" in solid-west management in collection, Transportation and disposal HSMI/WMC of UIFW, New Delhi
6. Environmental and health improvement in Jajmau area, Kanpur: Lessons and experiences for wider replication Ministery of Environmen and Forests, New Delhi
7. An approach to pollution prevention in Electroplanning sector development alternatives, New Delhi
8. Integrated study on wetland conservation and Urban growth: A case of Calcutta's wetlands
Institute of wetland management and ecological design, Calcutta
9. Sustainable Urban Development: A case of Navi Mumbai (New Bombay) City & Industrial Development Corporation, Mumbai (Bombay)
10. Community based sanitation and environmental Improvement programme: experience of Indore, Baroda and Ahemdabad Shri Hiamnshu Parikh, Ahemdabad


Community Complexes
Urban Environmental Management
Urban Environmental

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