Pushparani, Martha.

Organisational development of NGO's in the india from a gender perspective - U.K. . 1992 - 10p.

1. Introduction
2. Structure of Development Organisations (NGO)
2.1 Nature and Kinds of NGOs
2.1.1 Funding NGOS
2.1.2 Support NGOS
2.1.3 Grassroot NGOs
3 Internal style of functioning and work culture
3.1 Differential positioning in agency hierarchies; promotion
of women staff and related terms and conditions for recruitment and promotion
3.2 Marginalisation from access to information, knowledge and
training and facilities available
3.3 Violence and sexual harassment against women
4. Proposed positive changes and organisational development from a gender perspective
4.1 Formation of core team
4.2 Gender sensitization for men and women at leadership level
4.3 Training for women in NGOs
4.4 Development of personnel policies and practices
4.5 Changes in the structure and staffing pattern



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