Women living under Muslim laws 9/10 - France Women living under muslim laws 1997 - 170p.

1. Introduction
2. Nigeria
a. The development of women's seclusion in Hausaland, Northern Nigeria
3. France
a. Immigrant women in France and racism
4. Fundamentalism
a. Refusing holy orders
b. Washing our linen: one year of women against fundamentalism
c. Fundamentalism a universal phenomenon
d. Neo-Islamic fundamentalism
5. Women and the arts
a. Urdu women's magazines in the early twentieth century
b. The creative and the critical
c. Dissident in art and psyche
6. Palestine
a. Women, the hijab and the intifada
7. Gulf War
a. Women and children making feminist sense of the Persian gulf crisis
8. Iran
a. Iranian women's fight goes on
9. Resources index
10. Conferences and campaigns

Islamic countries
Islamic law
Muslim women-social conditions

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