Singh, Paul Sunder

Survey report on the prevalence of child labour in the fishing industry in Chennai - Chennai Karunalaya social service society c1996 - 28p.

Sponsored by International labour organisation; International programme on the elimination of child labour (ILO-IPEC)

Important terms involved in the survey
Objectives of the survey
Description of the area
Analysis of child labour in the fishing industry
Table showing types of work and number of child labourers
boat watching
fishing on rafts
flicking and picking fish
prawn processing
major findings
hazards in the fishing industry

The survey aimed to determine the extent of child labor in the fishing industry at Kasimedu. Its specific objectives were to estimate the number of children working as coolies, assess the count of boat watch boys, identify the population of boys engaged in fishing on rafts, determine the number of children involved in prawn processing units, and quantify the number of fish flickers and pickers in the fishing harbor. The report provides detailed descriptions of each job role.
The key findings of the survey revealed that 1446 children were engaged in various roles within the fishing industry. Additionally, the report highlights insights into the prevailing hazards and offers recommendations for addressing the identified issues.


Child labour
Child labour - fishing industry - Chennai

331.31 / SIN