Report on the eastern regional consultation: Calcutta October 27-28 1997 - New Delhi Centre for education and communication 1998 - 49p. - Campaign series No. 1 .

Cover title. National campaign for labour rights

1. Towards a national campaign on labour rights
2. Statement of the consultation
3. Reports and recommendations
- Sector specific groups
-- Plantation
-- jute
-- mining
- Issue based groups
-- Women workers
-- child labour
-- contract labour

The inaugural Regional Consultation on 'Labour Rights' took place at Udayachal Hostel, Calcutta, from October 27 to 28, 1997. Approximately sixty representatives from diverse labor organizations operating in Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, and Assam convened to deliberate on the theme of 'Labour Rights in the Context of Globalization.' Throughout the two-day consultation, presentations and discussions strongly underscored widespread violations of labor rights across various sectors.
The consultation highlighted serious infringements of labour rights in the eastern region, particularly in the areas of Right to Association and Collective Bargaining. It emphasized that the rights of contract labourers, migrant workers, women workers, and child labourers were being systematically violated. To address these concerns, the consultation resolved to establish three high-power trade union teams to investigate labour rights violations in Mining in the Eastern Region, Tea Plantations in West Bengal, and the Agricultural sector in Bihar. Resolutions were passed on issues such as contract labor, migrant labor, minimum wage, women labor, child labor, displacement, and the right to association. The report proceeds to delve into sector-specific concerns and provides corresponding recommendations.

Eastern regional consultation

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