Report on human rights and the lack of progress towards democracy in Burma (Myanmar) - Canberra Australian government publishing service 1995 - xxiv,169p. Illustrations, map ; 25 cm


1) Human rights in general
- The view of SLORC
- Alternative views
- Surveillance
- Freedom of expression / freedom of the press
- Freedom of religion
- Detentioh without trial / political detention
- Conditions in prisons, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment
- Extrajudicial, Summary or Abritrary executions

2) Labour rights
- International obligations on labour
- Forced labour
- Basic labour rights
- The position of the government of Burma
- The judgement of the International labour organisation

3) Border rights
- The historical perspective
- Ceasefires
- The drug trade
- Trafficking in women
- Environmental rights
- Refugees
- The fall of the Manerplaw

4) Progress towards democracy
- Democratic principles
- The historical context
- The National Convention
- The Decimation of the elected government
- Democracy in Burma

5) Engagement or isolation
- The UN
- Other International forums
- Thailand
- China - Strategic issues
- Trade and investment
- Australia
- Multi lateral institutions
- Isolation vs engagement
- Benchmarks - qualified engagement


Civil rights
Human rights - Burma
Civil rights - Burma

323.09591 / AUS