Regional convention of urban poor in the context of habitat ii a brief report - Mumbai Bandra east community centre (BECC) 1996 - 0

Sponsored by : SHNF, BECC and CISRS

1. Preface
2. To be reflected
3. Introduction
4. Background of Bombay City
5. Formation of Bombay Urban Poor Forum.
6. Objectives of the Forum.
7. The Habitat-II
i Preamble
il Goals & Principles
iii Commitments
8. Minutes of the Mumbai Urban Poor Forum
9 Mr. Minar Pimple, YUVA/ACHR
10. Mr. R. Mallick, CISRS/SHNF.
11. Mr. Sanjay Bhargava, HUDCO
12. Problems of the Urban Poor
13. Possible Solutions & Strategies
14. Major Future Challenges of Our City
15. Our Vision for the city of Mumbai
16. Our Plan of Action for Habitat II
17. Our Plan of Action for the year 2000.
18. The role of different Actors involved
a) Community and Community based Organisations
b) Non-Government Organisations
c) Government Authority
19. Resolve to demand
20. List of Participants
21. Working Committee for 1996-97

Regional convention - urban poor

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