National seminar on the role of women in the indian freedom movement on March 21st and 22nd, 1998 at Sir cowasji Jehangir hall : - 0 0 0 - 0

1. Programme schedule
2. Lists of Chairpersons & Resource-persons
3.Keynote address - ""women in India's freedom struggle""
4. ""Yesubai Savarkar ""A story of silent sacrifice""
5. The contribution of Kalpana Dutt
6. ""Sufferings of the wives of the Chapekar family""
7. ""Aruna asaf ali-a daring daughter of Mother India
8. Captain Laxmi Sehgal: Live wire revolutionary
9. Maniben Nanavati: Spinning the yarn of freedom""
10. Mridula sarabhai: an invincible crusader for freedom
11.Padmashri Maniben Kara-a true revolutionary (1905-79)
Smt. Kamlaben patel- The courageous woman (1912-22)
12. The freedom struggle and Gujarati women's the grassroot workers and satyagrahis (1915-30)
13. Perin Captain: From Dadabhai to Mahatma Gandhi
14. The role played by Tyabji Women in the Indian Freedom Movement

Women - freedom movement - seminar

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