Datey, K.R.

Narmada : outline of an alternative notes for presentation of the review committee - 0 0 0 - 263p.

1. Introduction

- The emerging pendentive for transformation of the water and energy sector

-- Crisis in the water and energy sector and direction of reform Regenerative apiculture and the strategy for fromsition The changing energy scenario The concept of energy self reliance ond the prospects of is realisation.
- Major shortcomings of the present plan and suggested changes Water use and management in Bhol, Soni and simior -doned areas The need for pumping to serve Kutch, Soutosha & Nodh Gulorot. The change in perspective

- Outline of emerging alternative and map and tables
- Cost estimates and cost recovery

Estimation of costs and cost recovery for the irrigation system
Basis of estimation cost recovery

Case 1: Limited water norm but without regenerative agriculture

Case 2. Limited water norm & regenerative agriculture

Pinciples of cost recovery for the on and water system

Estimates of energy system costs - of solar biofuel & fossil fuel

- Strategy for transition to the alternative plan and suggested steps to
cut down losses.

Supplementary Notes

1. Regenerative agriculture and biomass production
2 Agricultural agenda for the 21st century
3. Pathways to attain energy self reliance
4. Outline of plan for Kutch. Sourashtra North Gujarat

Water and energy sector reforms

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