Manual for IRDP and allied programmes of TRYSEM and DWCRA - New Delhi Ministry of Agriculture 1991 - 180p.

Section 1: Integrated Rural development program (IRDP)

1. Why IRDP
2. Who benefits under IRDP
3. How to plan for IRDP
4. Adminstrative set up for implementation of IRDP
5. Sanction of projects and procurement of assets
6. Funding pattern and financial procedure
7.Institutional finance for IRDP
8. Follow up monitoring and evaluation
9. Public Participation
10. Awareness building and publicity

Section 2: TRYSEM

1. Training of rural youth fo self employment (TRYSEM)

Section 3: Development of Women and Children in rural areas (DWCRA)

Rural development
Rural development -- India

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