Childline 1098 night and day : project on ministry of social justice and empowerment - Mumbai Childline India foundation 2000 - 18p.

1. Mission
2. Target Group
3. Scope and Services
4. Organisational Structure
- 4.1 Governing Board
- 4.2 Central Development and Support Cell
- 4.3 City level Structure
5. Action Plan
- 5.1 Preparatory Phase
- 5.2 Implementation Phase 5.3 Activity Plan (1999-2000)

1. List of CHILDLINE cities
2. The Role of the CHILDLINE Sub-Committees
3. The Staff Structure at the CDSC
4. CHILDLINE Child Friendly City Campaign
5. The CHILDLINE staff structure at the city level

Social justice and empowerment

361.76305 / CHI