Building credibility : a study of annual reporting of voluntary agencies in India - 0 Murray culshaw advisory services (MACS) 1999 - 15p. - MACS study .

Report on income and sources; recommendations for improving the balance of income sources and producing good annual report


1. Summary and key findings
2. Introduction
- Background and rationale
- Aim and objectives of the study
- Definition of terms
- Methodology and steps of the study

3. Findings and recommendations
- Qualitative indicators
- Quantitative indicators - income
- Quantitative indicators - expenditure

4. A good Annual Report
- Producing a good annual report for public distribution
- Elements of an annual report 15


1. Murray Culshaw Advisory Services
2. Organisations invited to participate in this study
3. Rating scale for Annual Reports
4. Qualitative findings
5. Qualitative consolidated profile
6. mcas framework- income sources, 1997-98
7. mcas framework - expenditure categories, 1997-98, 8 mcas worksheet
9. Sample Annual Report
10a. Financial framework; minimum information - Model A
10b. Financial framework; more information - Model B
11. Sample Annual Report layout on four sides of A4
12. Graphic illustrations for accounts; pie and bar charts

Voluntary agencies
Voluntary agencies - annual report
Voluntary agencies in India
Social welfare

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