Menon, Lakshmi

Akshara handbook : an alternative classification and documentation system - Bombay Akshara - a women's resource centre 1995 - 93p.

* Introduction - Information is More Power to Women
Section I - Basics of Information Management
Collection of Information
1. 2. Processing of Information
Physical Storage
4. Computerisation
5. Dissemination of Information
Section II - Alternative Classification Systems
1. Yet Another Classification System?
2. Why we Need a Feminist Classification System 3. Some Alternative Classification Systems
The Feminist Perspective in Akshara Classification System
Section III - Akshara Classification System
1. Rationale
2. Principles and Methods
How to Use the Akshara Classification System
Section IV-Akshara Classification Schedule
Section V-Alphabetical Subject Index

Akshara classification system
Alternative classification system
Information management
Information is more power to women

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