Bombay city project phase II : project proposal 1996 - 1999 - Mumbai Youth unity and voluntary action 1999 - 67p.

I. Rationale and Background
1. Introduction
2. Reflections on the strengths and limitations of work under the city project approach
3. Analysis of the external environment
4. Challenges for the future
5. Strategic decisions (including a note on community resource centres)
6. One year of CRC a critical reflection
7. The second phase of Bomabe city project
II. Agenda of work
1. Work with women
2. Work with youth
3. Work with children
4. Work on the issue of housing
5. Comprehensive area intervention in Jogeshwari
6. Slums redevelopment scheme
7. Community resource centres
8. Support units
9. Bombay city study
10. Human resource development
III. Monitoring evaluation & Reporting
IV. Budget
1. Rationale for the budget
2. On going and potential-other sourcing of funds
3. Budget at a glance
4. Anexure I- Fund Component of the budget
5. Anexure II- Non-recurring component of the budget
6. Specific population groups- women, youth and children
7. Work on housing, urbanalization issues
8. Comprehensive area involvement- Jogeshwari
9. Work on Slum redevelopment scheme
10. Budget summary of Community Resource Centre (CRC)
11. Jogeshwari CRC- as an experiment forwards alternatives I
12. Pavent dwellers CRC- as an experiment forwards alternatives II
13. Ghatkopa and Malavni CRC- as an experiment forwards alternative
14. Support unit I- Legal Resource Init
15. Support unit II- Design Unit
16. Support unit III- Media unit
17. Bombay city study preparatory study phase
18. Human resources development
19. City project core unit

Bombay citi project

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