Report of the fifth annual Asian human rights training and study session October 7-27, 2001: Chulalongkorn university - Bangkok Asian forum for human rights and development (FORUM-ASIA) 2002 - 34p.

Includes appendix

Objective of the Study Session
A Summary of Content and Process of the Study Session
1. Informal Introductory Session and Welcome Dimmer
2. The Formal Opening
3. Setting the Agenda
4. Participants Perceptions of Human Rights
5. Country Situation
6. Session on Ideas and Issues of General Nature
7. Session on International Standards and Norms
8. Session on Some Specific Groups and Issues
9. Session on Strategies
10. Some Thoughs on the Lighter SIde of the Study Session
11. Presentation of Strategy Papers by the Participants
12. Assessment and Evaluation of the Study Session


Human rights

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