Draft development plan - 2034 Greater Mumbai : draft development control regulation (May - 2016) - Mumbai Municipal corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) . - 507p.

1. Background of DP 2034
2. The Mumbai Metropolitan region (MMR)
3. Land use
4. Population
5. Economy
6. Transport and Communication
7. Physical infrastructure
8. Social infrastructure
9. Environment
10. FSI and Density
12. Growth scenarios
13. vision and objectives
14. Contents of the development plan
15. Spatial development structure
16. Land use zoning
17. FSI: A tool for managing physical development
18. Assessing space demand for public purposes
19. Transportation and road network
20. Environment
21. Development control regulations
22. Local area plans
23. Financing the development plan
24. Monitoring and evaluation


Draft development control regulations
Draft development plan - Greater Mumbai

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