Training Programme On The General Agreement on Trade and Services - India Indian Social Institute 2002 -

Joiint civil society statement for assessment
of trade in services
2. Extracts from The new work programme on the WTO- B.L. DAS
3. Extracts from The WTO, the post- Doha Agenda and the future of the trade
system: A development perspective Martin khor
4. Education, health and culture in the firing line- ATTAC
5. Liberalising tourism under the GATS- Pitfalls for developing countries
6. Critique of private participation in power sector- K Ashoka Rao
7. GATS application to the health sector- Rudolf Adlung
8. Extracts from Globalization and its discontents - Joseph stiglitz
9. Extracts from when corporations rule the world - David C. Korten



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