Police abuse and killing of street children in india : Human rights watch children's right project human right's watch/asia - London human right's watch 1996 - viii,189p.

I. Summary
II. Overview
III. Illegal Detention
The Juvenile Justice Act
Observation, Remand, Special, And Juvenile Homes
IV. Torture
Abuses Associated With The Investigation Of Crime
Other Situations In Which Torture Is Used 
V. Extortion
Abuses And Extortion Associated With Investigation Of Crime
Abuses Associated With The Payment Of Protection Money
VI. NGO Initiatives To Address Police Abuse Of Street Children
VII. Custodial Deaths, Impunity, And The Need For Reforms
VIII. The Applicable Laws
International Laws
The Laws Of India
IX. Conclusion



killing of steet
police abuse
street children in india

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