Nosworthy, David

Action for the rights of children : a rights based capacity building and training initiative - Geneva Save the children 2002 - 7p. 28*22 cm

ABC Resource Packs
1) Foundations:
International legal standards
Child and adolescent developmenyt
Working with children
Community mobilisation
2) Critical issues
Separated children
Child soldeirs
Landmine awareness
Reproductive health
3) Tools
ARC facilitator's toolkit

It is a compendium of guidelines, critical issues, case studies, and participatory training material that encourages field workers and policy programmers to integrate their experience into regional situations. Its content is divided into two sections: Foundations and Critical Issues. Both sections include an age-gender perspective to ensure girls and boys benefit equally from all protection and assistance efforts.


Childrens rights
ARC - a rights based capacity building and training initiative

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