Clark, Dana

Impact of the 2002 submergence on housing and land rights in the Narmada valley : report of a fact-finding mission to Sardar Sarovar and Man Dam projects - New Delhi Housing and Land Rights Network 2003 - 52p. 27*22 cm - Fact-finding mission report No. 7 .

Executive Summary

1 Introduction
- Framework for the Human Right to Adequate Housing under International Human Rights Law
- Involuntary Resettlement Policies of the World Bank

2. Sardar Sarovar Project
- Background
- Findings
1. Submergence during the Monsoons Results in Food Scarcity
2. Situation at the Rehabilitation Sites Found Inadequate
A. Gujarat
B. Madhya Pradesh

3. Problems with Land Rights in Tribal Areas
4. Ex-Parte Rehabilitation Violates State Policies and International Standards
5. Differentiating between Temporary and Permanent Submergence to Reduce Numbers of People to be Rehabilitated
6. Lack of Information about Displacement and Rehabilitation
7. Weaknesses of the Grievance Redressal Authority
8. Raising the Dam without Due Process
9. Failure to Improve or Restore Standards of Living

3. The Man Dam Irrigation Project

- Background

- Findings

1. Violence Used to Evict People from Their Homes
2. People Rendered Homeless and Facing Risk of Starvation Due to Flooding 30
3. Inappropriate Use of Cash Compensation and Denial of Rehabilitation Entitlements to the Affected People
4. Weaknesses of the Grievance Redressal Mechanism

4. Recommendations

- Sardar Sarovar Project

- Man Irrigation Project

3. General Recommendations to the Prime Minister

4. Recommendations to the United Nations Human Rights Mechanisms

5. Recommendations to the World Bank

Annex 1 to 6


Land tenure -- India -- Madhya Pradesh.
Man Dam Project (India)
Sardar Sarovar (Narmada) Project.

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